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Smurfette Tells The Hooded Claw to Stop It
Margo Tells The Hooded Claw to Stop It
HRV: Stromboli Tells The Hooded Claw to Shut up
HRV: Witch Hazel Tells The Hooded Claw to Go Away
Batman Tells The Hooded Claw to Stop Doing That
Dracula Tells The Hooded Claw to Go to a Time Out (Happy Father's Day!)
CRV: Rudolph tells The Hooded Claw put Penelope Pitstop down
HRV: The Hooded Claw Tells Ed Gumptybum to shut up
Ed tells The Hooded Claw to Move
The Players in "Perils": The Hooded Claw
Penelope Pitstop and The Hooded Claw
Smurfette Tells Mr. Swackhammer to Stop it.